Sunday, April 22, 2007

Exhausted bliss...

We made it...we are finally in our new home. Well, for the most part anyway. We are still sort of "camping" in our new home. We were sooooooooo tired after moving yesterday that we didn't get to go back home to get our so called "piddly stuff" that just so happened to include our clothes. Yeah, I know, not the brightest of ideas. But at the time going to bed sounded a lot more appealing that going for yet another truck load. So we get up this morning and we need to go get something to eat (because food is another one of those "piddly things" that we didn't pick up) and despite the fact that we are clean we have no clothes other than clean underwear to wear. So off we go to WalMart in clothes that we've worn for the past three days. YUK!

Right now Jay is in the back yard putting down an invisible fence for our dogs. Yes, our Georgia mutts are jumpers. Now if they jump they are going to get the fur shocked off of them. It is better for them to receive a jolt than to get hit by a car...or a train, right? We'll see how this bright idea works. Lord willing it will work like a charm and end our dog chasing problems.

Our new bed is AWESOME!!!! We got a king size bed and I slept the WHOLE NIGHT. Now, for those of you that have been seven months pregnant you know what a miraculous feat that truly is. For those of you that haven't had kids or are men we'll just say that it is every bit as miraculous as the parting of the Red Sea. Granted my bladder was ready to explode when I got up this morning but man was it worth it to get a full night of sleep.

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