Thursday, April 12, 2007

Together Forever...Well only 10 Years!

Today marks our ten year anniversary of being a couple (Jay and I that is). How have we decided to celebrate? Well, Jay went in late to work today...not for anything romantic though. I went to the lab and had my gestational diabetes test done today and followed that up with going to the OB/Gyn to get a shot in the rump. We're planning on celebrating through dinner tonight by having shake n' bake chicken, steamed broccoli, and semi-homemade bread. Do you see what happens after 10 years? Ha ha ha! No, seriously, I think we are just about both out of steam with the upcoming move. Maybe after we get settled into our new home we'll go out to dinner or something to celebrate.

Taylor is terribly congested so I've spent the better part of my day wiping her nose and holding her since she takes up residence on my disappearing lap when she's not feeling well. She'll be going to see the ear, nose, and throat doctor at the end of the month to see about tubes going back into at least one of her ears. Until then we wait until she starts running a fever and then we'll go back to the pediatrician for yet another antibiotic.

I'm sure she'll begin feeling better once this blasted cold weather leaves us. There is a song called "Rainy Days and Mondays" by the Carpenters that is incredibly depressing, so it is my goal to keep that from coming true for our family since it has been COLD AND RAINY ALL WEEK!!! If it is cold and rainy on the day we move you'll see the most irrate pregnant woman you've ever seen in your life.

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