Monday, September 8, 2008

The American Idol Concert

Everyone knows that Taylor is a HUGE American Idol we've made it a yearly tradition to go see the concert when it comes to KC. Last year it wasn't a big deal because Bella was only a few weeks old and all she wanted to do was nurse and sleep. This year she is quite a bit bigger and requires a bit more maintenance. Daddy carried Bella in on a pouch on his back rather than toting her in on his arm. She's gotten very heavy these days.

Both of the kids did VERY WELL for the first hour. I was smart and smuggled in some chicken nuggets, goldfish, and teddy grahams for the kids along with juice pouches. Things got a little dicey once the food ran out.

We bought about 30 minutes of time by allowing the kids to sit together in the same seat. They both thought that this was totally fun. Then the turf war began with whose seat they were actually sitting in. Eventually neither one of them wanted to sit down and preferred to be up...but not in one spot. We couldn't let the kids run around so the next hour was pretty difficult. The pictures below should tell the whole story.

Eventually the usher took pity on me and gave Bella and I seats in the handicapped section which was much cooler and had much more elbow room. Both of the kids managed to stay awake (barely) to the end of the concert. They were GONE by the time we got home! We'll have to have a better plan for next year.

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