Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fun times on freaky snow storm days

We had a 60 degree day yesterday, but we couldn't go outside and enjoy it because of a horrific 40mph wind. This morning I get up and take Taylor to preschool and it is in the single digits and the snow is peppering down. By the time the afternoon comes around and I need to go get Taylor the heavens have opened and dropped snow all over our roads and we seemingly have no snow plows out and about. So I dress Bella as warmly as I can (she hates being bundled up so she screamed while I dressed her) just in case we got stuck or I had to walk up to Taylor's school from the bottom of the hill and we set off.

Luckily Pontius did just fine getting to school. Taylor's preschool is at the top of a hill at the end of a steep and curvy drive. We made it back home safe and sound!

Once we got home I decided that we were staying home and not venturing out anymore. So we had tea parties...

and visited with an old friend on the steps...

Taylor did her impression of Elton John...

We also did some cleaning...

and just had an all together good day!

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