Monday, January 21, 2008

Contacts and Toddler Vomit

Oh have we had an exciting couple of days in the O'Brien family. I finally got fed up with my glasses and went to the eye doctor to get contacts. I went through my eye exam and couldn't get my contacts until a week later after I had completed a "contact insertion & care" class. I completed the class on Friday and wore them home. I've been wearing them since then and they are pretty awesome! I actually pulled out an old pair of sunglasses and wore them while I was driving. I haven't had a pair of sunglasses since I was in college! Yay contacts!

The other part of the weird title I have posted for this entry is not quite so pretty. My children are not pukers. However Taylor must have gotten her sucky fingers jammed just a little too far down her throat in the middle of the night last night and consequently Jay and I were up at 2:30am cleaning up puke in her bed. She ended up sleeping with us. I was thinking as I was crouched over a stinky bed that this is what real parenting is doing the gross stuff for someone without even thinking twice about it. I tell this story not because I enjoy sharing the gross details of a nasty night but to tell you of a high among all of this gross stuff. Taylor had to sleep with us because her bed was wet from us cleaning the mattress. At some point in time I tried to roll over onto my side (I was sleeping on my back) and I felt this weight on my stomach. Taylor had put her head on my stomach and slept that way all night long. I loved that I provided her so much comfort when she was upset and not feeling well from throwing up.

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