Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's from Taylor & Bella

We sat in the living room at our coffee table and made valentine's for Taylor to take to all of her friends at school, gymnastics, and kindermusik. My job was to cut and glue the fabric to the baby jar lid and cut and glue the ribbon around the lid and tie a pretty bow. Taylor's job was to help her daddy fill the jars with m&ms. We had to watch her very very closely though because she was doing "one for you, one for me" and I kept hearing Daddy tell her "no more Taylor, no more".

Additionally we sat down and made a valentine box for her to keep the valentines she received. The fabric I'd picked out was a remnant and it had little monkeys on it holding hearts. So we sat in the floor and covered the box with the fabric and on the inside we put the same fabric that we put on the jars that she gave her friends. She called her valentine box her "monkey box" because of all of the little monkeys that were on it. I put some glitter around the hearts after she went to bed so it was sparkly when she got up the next morning. She LOVES her monkey box.

She gave her friends Shrek valentines, but she gave family valentines that she and Bella made together. We put Taylor's footprint (in pink) with Bella's (in purple)right next to it with their names in their respective footprint. On the back there is a little valentine rhyme that we printed out on pink paper and cut it out with wavy scissors that we glued onto the card and imbellished it with stickers. The rhyme says:

This isn't just a valentine
As you can plainly see
It is of course my footprint
Which is a part of me
It's bigger than the last one
Smaller than the next will be
Given to you with lots of love
From sweet and precious me

Christine, Marian, and Tatum came over the play with the kids on Valentine's day and gave Jay and I the opportunity to go grab a piece of cake from Cupini's and a cup of coffee (or in my case hot chocolate) from By the Book and talk. I think we all had a WONDERFUL valentine's day!

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