Monday, December 15, 2008

Getting ready for Christmas!

Wow...time flies when you're having fun! We are preparing for Christmas and I think that we are almost done. Jay decorated the outside on the last pretty day that we had and I must say that he did a FABULOUS job. The outside looks like each light was intentionally and perfectly placed. He also put icicle lights around the living room, dining room, & kitchen. The kids love all of the lights!

The Missaoui family came to visit for Thanksgiving and helped us put up our two Christmas trees. The small tree in the foyer has our "family ornaments" on it. Each family member going back out our grandparents has an ornament on that tree. We need to make a new one for Kinsey this year! The tree in the living room has all of our fun ornaments and an ornament for every year of Jay and I's relationship.

Jay also hung up the stockings (the mantle is getting very full) and our various other knick knack decorations. Marian, Stephen, Angie, Tatum, Christine, & Connor went together and bought us a gorgeous painting of Santa Claus that is hanging in our living room.

Taylor's highlight is moving the mouse along our countdown calendar. I've had this calendar since I was a kid and looked forward to moving the mouse. She gets confused and REALLY wants to move the mouse after naptime too. So we move the mouse in the morning and in the evening we read our "Jesus cards". Ms. Jeanne at church gave us the gospel account of Jesus' birth divided up among 25 cards and you read a new card each day so that by the end the kids almost have the story memorized. They LOVE it!

All of the gifts have been bought/shipped and we lack only one gift per child. We're arranging for a "shopping date" so that the two of us can go out and agree on what we'd like to get each one.

Taylor asked Santa for:
1) A pink robot that talks and walks.
2) A big dinosaur that must be pink or green.
3) A teddy bear that she wishes to name "Faluka".

When I asked her what she wanted Mommy & Daddy to get her she said "I don't know." I guess we get the creative freedom that Santa only wishes he had!

Bella looked at Santa like he was from Mars and didn't say a single word.

When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas she just said "Winnie the Pooh". Simple kid.

So that is how Christmas is shaping up in our house. We've done A LOT of internet shopping since I'm about as big around and I am tall and walking is sort of difficult for a weeble. However, I think that things have shaped up nicely. After Christmas we'll be in the final preparations for Kinsey's arrival!

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