Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sunday Night Family Carpet Picnic & Movie Night

Every Sunday night we have a family carpet picnic and watch a movie that is suitable for the whole family. Carpet picnics are something that Jay and I have done since we've been married. We spread a quilt out on the floor of the living room, order a pizza, and have a nice picnic in the comfort of our own home. Now that we are parents we ensure that the food is child friendly so we've taken to ordering pizza. This evening's movie was "Toy Story" and we ordered pizza from The Pizza Shoppe. Taylor now prays at all of our meals and this evening she prayed and said "Thank you Jesus for the pizza and for the carpet picnic Amen". It was too cute!!!

I guess that she wasn't too impressed with "Toy Story" because she requested that we watch Shrek instead. I think that she really likes the movies with alot of music. Although last week we tried "Marry Poppins" and she wasn't really into it. The week before it was "Chicken Little" and she LOVED it! She wasn't that keen on "Charlotte's Web" when I took her to the free movie morning at the theatre to see it. Only two and she can already tell you what she likes and what she doesn't like.

We were getting out of the car and Taylor wouldn't let me help her out of the car. She told me "I do it myself". She's so very independent!

Bella is growing like a weed and now wants to participate in family movie night & carpet picnic. She sat in my lap while we were eating and curled up in her daddy's lap after we were done eating to watch the movie. She stared at Taylor the vast majority of the time just smiling away. She so loves her big sister. She giggled at her daddy today and then later on she giggled at Taylor. She's a happy baby!

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